Sunday, August 30, 2015

The swelling on my eye finally went down. I spent yesterday marathoning Supernatural with a cool washcloth over my eye. M drove down from Nanmoku and I showed her my place. We went to the second hand store together and I got a vacuum! I was also rather tempted by the ovens they had there. It may be a future purchase. I miss baking and making casseroles! Though Ichigo-sensei told me I could ask the home ec teacher if I could use the school’s ovens. The second hand store was very clean and organized. Things were in really good shape.

We then went to Beisa and thoroughly impressed M. I bought a couple things for the house including a bread knife, yay. Got my hands on this week’s groceries. It was fun shopping with someone again finally. We stopped by a bakery on the way back, but it was closed. Then we hung out and drank tea!  A lovely afternoon. Spent a lot of money. All that cash and now I have to go to the atm again…

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