Saturday, August 8, 2015

My sleep schedule is pretty wacked due to the early sunrise and sunsets here.  I finally cleaned and unpacked all my stuff. I thoroughly searched through everything to see what my pred had left. It included some knitting supplies, and arts n’crafts things. I really need to buy a vacuum though. There’s dust everywhere and I feel like the broom isn’t cutting it. Maybe need to check at the second hand store?

Shrine by my apartment
I also made a longer trip over to the library in search of computer access. I passed through the touristy Silk Mill area. So many people on a weekend! Huge tour buses as well. I need to learn bike etiquette here really quick. I was able to use a computer at the library, but many sites were blocked. I almost completely my whole sim card application, when it needed an email verification so I had to quit. One of the librarians approached me with a sheet of paper once I stood up. I think I was supposed to fill out some type of computer request first. I apologized and gave her a super confused face. 

The building next door, I think is a learning center, is supposed to have Japanese classes, but I don’t know how I’ll go about figuring this out. I know K is also interested so I’ll have to check in with him.

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