Thursday, August 27, 2015

Fog in the mountains this morning
Last night, I had an evil visit from a mosquito. I don’t understand how I’ve gone really long without letting one in and then that changed so suddenly. I woke up at 3:30 am to the whine of a mosquito. Luckily I kept my mosquito killing wits about me: promptly leaped out of bed, grabbed my glasses, turned on the light and shut my door. It was sitting there on the wall where I smashed it…and got blood smears all over. Clearly it had feasted well. Three vampiric bites on my neck, one on my forehead and hand.

Still haven’t gotten computer access at school…so I wasn’t able to print stuff for my classes yet. I keep forgetting to remind Ichigo-sensei. I’ll just have to come in early tomorrow to get stuff settled before my four classes in a row.

I used my card at the JP post atm, testing it out. It worked just fine and wham I have the first bits of my self-earned yen in my hand. That evening I had to bike about 2.5 km away to get to my Japanese classes. They are held at the learning center by the library for two hours and are free. It’s all run by volunteers some of which are from Tomioka International Exchange and some are my students! I forgot to bring my textbook but we covered a lot of useful vocab. Seems like a very sweet group. K and I are the only Westerners but there are some others from Philippines and SE Asia I think. We even got tea/juice and snacks at the end.

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