Friday, August 21, 2015

Arrived home to another packaged missed notice. I finally went and downloaded a QR code reader as the codes are everywhere here! I could then follow the code on my delivery slip to the JP website so that I could reschedule the delivery for the next morning. Success. Just had to put in my phone number.

At 8 pm, my doorbell rang. It was the mailman! They come multiple times per day and up to 10 pm in the evening too! So dedicated. They zoom around on their motorbikes with a giant mail box crate on the back. He delivered my router! So I guess I didn’t need to reschedule my mail delivery after all. They just tried again on their own.

Then I attempted to figure out my mail from NTT which was about my internet. A lot of google image translating was involved. Something about Sunday and Sept 1st was important, but I figured I’d just ask my JTE on Monday. I think they were going to install it Sunday? But I just went ahead and connected all my fiber optic cables to the router. It’s rather interesting, I have a disk that plugs in the top of the router. Soooo many long cables (which I thought decreases your speed?). Anyway, the internet showed up and I spent time trying to decipher the instructions with my best buddy, Google, and the helpfully included pictures. I finally got to another log in page asking for some random user name…Tried many things and nothing worked so I’ll have to wait. It might be the ISP provider’s side? I didn’t get anything from them in the mail.

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