Sunday, December 20, 2015

My language lesson group, the Tomioka International Group, were having their Christmas Party this afternoon. I brought my cookies with and a small present for the gift exchange. The spread of food looked fantastic and tasted wonderful. I met some nice girls from the Phillipines. My students even showed up! My first time seeing them in normal clothes, cuties! M kept me company and told me my cookies were great. I hadn’t even tried them yet, ha. We got to watch a hula dance (it’s really popular here), and even try it for ourselves while wearing leis. The Filipina girls also did a dance and we played a game. Later on, Santa showed up! K got nominated to dress as him and hand out presents. We played bingo and got to pick a gift. I ended up with some slippers that are a bit too small for me, but good for guests!

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