Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 5

I got up at ten this morning; jet-lag must be pretty much gone now after three days. Isabel, Beate and I stopped at the library on the way to the market. It’s a tiny little room. I did recognize three authors though, Garth Nix, who’s Australian, Tamora Pierce, and Philip Pullman. I’ve never heard of any of the other books. It was funny to see that they had a self checkout computer with the same exact program our library uses. A little reminder of home.

We walked to the market, past Isabel’s school taking lots of pictures along the way. Here's a picture of what passion fruits look like.

At the entrance of the path through the park where the market was, there was this enormous tree! Very typically Australian. The market was crowded and sold everything that you could imagine. America’s still far behind in their markets.

After the walk home, we made strawberry cake. Yum! A layer of cake, pudding, then strawberries, plus whip cream.

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